Scoliosis & Chiropractic Care: What You Need To Know

Scoliosis is one of those conditions you’ve likely heard about, but there is a lot of misinformation about it. In this article, we’ll bust some common myths about scoliosis, answer the most common question regarding scoliosis and shed light as to why more and more people are turning to chiropractic care for relief.

What is scoliosis?

Scoliosis, simply put, is an abnormal sideways curvature of the spine. More specifically, scoliosis is determined when the curvature of the spine measures 10 degrees or greater on an X-ray. Spinal curvature from scoliosis may occur on the right or left side of the spine, or on both sides in different sections.

In a normal spine, the vertebrae are stacked neatly on top of each other, with a disc of cartilage between each one. This cartilage provides cushioning and flexibility to your vertebrae as you move.

With scoliosis, however, the spine curves; rather than resembling a neat stack of blocks, each vertebra “tilts” to one side.

Early Detection is Key!

Early detection of scoliosis is important for a number of reasons, including checking for any other associated conditions or problems with the spine. But most importantly, early detection and specific chiropractic care ensures the best outcomes for children and adults.

Here are some things parents can watch out for:

  • Is one of your child’s shoulders higher than the other?

  • Does one shoulder blade stick out more than the other?

  • Does one hip seem higher or stick out more than the other?

  • Do you notice a larger crease at one side of the waist than the other side?

  • Do you see a hump in the rib area?

  • Do the hips or waist seem higher on one side?

Many cases of scoliosis are seen as early as 5 years of age. However, old school methods of care include the ‘watch and wait’ approach. I believe this method is outdated and ineffective. The curve can worsen dramatically as the child grows and further develops. Instead, seek Gonstead chiropractic care as many others have done and the results will be astounding.

Scoliosis usually does not cause pain

Contrary to popular belief, having a curve in your spine does not mean that you’ll be in pain. In fact, there are many people who have scoliosis (children and adults) and are completely unaware of it. I work with individuals everyday that have moderate to severe scoliosis and they are completely pain free. Please do not allow anyone to tell you that you’ll be in pain due to scoliosis - that is not the case. Schedule a visit to Evergreen Chiropractic and let’s see what’s actually causing your pain and discomfort and get it corrected.

Chiropractic Care: The Most Effective Management for Scoliosis

Gonstead chiropractors complete a comprehensive analysis of the full spine, placing emphasis on the foundation or the pelvis. Having a profound understanding of pelvic mobility and applying specific adjustments to realign it, allows Gonstead chiropractors to achieve the best outcomes consistently.

Watch the video below to understand how it works!

Looking for an expert Gonstead Chiropractor in Nashville, TN?

Check out Evergreen Chiropractic and Schedule your appointment today!


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